About Us

Hi! I'm Lisa Garcia and the writer/singer of the educational songs in Josiah's Classroom. I've been a Public School/Home School teacher for many years, and I used these songs with my own students and kids. Now that my youngest is in High School, I decided to record the songs and offer them for sale. Each song comes with supplemental worksheets for deeper study. 

My beautiful boy, Josiah ("Jojo") went to Heaven in 2022, at age 15, after a long battle with congenital heart and lung defects. He was my miracle boy for many years and now he's living the abundant life with his grandpa, my beautiful Dad. This store is made in honor of him. Thank you for shopping, and please tell your friends about us! I hope you love the songs as much as my kids did over the years!

If you have suggestions/requests for new songs, please let me know! I am slowly but surely getting all of our songs recorded and uploaded onto this site. Check back often to see what's new.  Or SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST to be alerted (no more than once per week) when new songs come available!

I also want to give credit to my husband, Norman Garcia, for helping with mixing/mastering the songs. And to Pablo Cesar and James Holt (Find them both on Fiverr!!) for their excellent keyboard accompaniments!

Blessings, and Happy Learning!

Lisa Garcia (Jojo's Mom)

  • Me and My Jojo. Always the Biggest Sweetheart.

  • Jojo's First Day With Me...Straight Out of His Orphanage!

  • Jojo and My Dad, Together in Heaven. Until We Meet Again...